Brown Bear Taxidermy Studio
289 Pleasant Valley Road (Rte 443) Pine Grove, PA 17963
25 Minutes From Cabela's Hamburg, PA
Just Off 78 Or 81 In Pine Grove, PA
Shipping & Receiving Nationally
Taxidermy Care, Tips, Shipping

Brown Bear Taxidermy Studio 289 Pleasant Valley Road (Route 443) Pine Grove PA 17963


Bear Taxidermy Mounts, Black Bear Mounts, Brown Bear Mounts, Pennsylvania Black Bear Taxidermy Specialists, Black Bear Mount Pictures, Black Bear Mount, Bear Taxidermist, Black Bear Skin Rugs, Custom Black Bear Taxidermy

Bear Taxidermy

Black Bear Taxidermy Mounts

Life Size Brown Bear Taxidermy Mounts

Life Size Brown Bear Mounts Standing

Bear Skull Mounts

Bear Skin Rugs

Brown Bear Taxidermy Studio Are The Leader In Life Size Bear Mounts On Floor Bases

Including Standing Bear Mounts, Life Size Wall Mount Bears, Bear Shoulder Mounts, Bear Half Mounts, Pedestal Bear Mounts with Custom Habitats.

Also offering high quality Bear Skull Mounts and Bear Skin Rugs.

Creating some of the finest life like taxidermy mounts found anywhere. Life size  Bear Mount specialists and award winning custom habitat specialists.

Brown Bear Taxidermy Studio specialize in Life Size Bear Mounts including Standing Life Size Brown Bear Mounts

Life Size Brown Bear Mounts

Standing Life Size Brown Bear Mounts

We specialize in full body mounts, life size black bear mounts, deer mounts, predator mounts, African taxidermy, shoulder mounts, pedestal mounts, custom habitats, custom bear taxidermy, deer taxidermy as well as other custom specialty mounts for all species.

Check out our Life Size Bear Taxidermy Mounts!

Black Bear or Brown Bear Taxidermy mounts with natural habitats, and custom bases.

Brown Bears Life Size Mounts With Custom Floor Bases Using Branches, Trees, Logs, Rocks Set In Natural Habitats.

Brown Bear Life Size Floor Mounts have many advantages, especially if you want to have the bear's full body mounted.



Life Size Black Bear Floor Mounts

Life Size Full Body Black Bear Wall Mounts

Standing Life Size Black Bear Mounts

We specialize in full body bear mounts, life size black bear floor mounts, standing bear mounts, deer mounts, predator mounts, African taxidermy, shoulder mounts, pedestal mounts, custom habitats, custom bear taxidermy, deer taxidermy as well as other custom specialty mounts for all species.

Life Size Bear Taxidermy Mounts!

Black Bear Taxidermy mounts with custom natural habitats, and custom bases.

Black Bears Life Size Mounts With Custom Floor Bases Using Branches, Trees, Logs, Rocks Set In Natural Habitats.

Black Bear Life Size Floor Mounts have many advantages, especially if you want to have the bear's full body mounted.


Life Size Fully Body Black Bear Mounts Taxidermy Brown Bear Taxidermy Studio

Life Size Full Body Black Bear Wall Mounts
We specialize in full body life size black bear wall mounts as well as other custom specialty mounts for all species.

Life Size Bear Taxidermy Mounts!

Black Bear Taxidermy wall mounts with custom natural habitats, and custom bases.

Black Bears Life Size Mounts With Custom Wall Mounts Using Branches, Trees, Logs, Rocks Set In Natural Habitats.

Black Bear Full Body Life Size Wall Mounts have many advantages, especially if you want to have the bear's full body mounted.


Deer Mounts, Deer Wall Mounts, Deer Pedestal Mounts, Deer Full Body Mounts, Deer Shoulder Mount, Whitetail Deer Mounts, Deer Wall Mount, Mule Deer Mounts, Deer Taxidermy, Deer Mount Pictures Ideas, Mule Deer Mounts

Deer Taxidermy Mounts

Whitetail Deer Taxidermy Mounts

Mule Deer Taxidermy Mounts

Deer Shoulder Mounts Wall

Deer Pedestal Mounts

Deer Life Size Mounts

Deer Taxidermy Mounts that have the look your buck had ghosting through the forest!

Deer Taxidermy Pennsylvania - Poses In Any Way You Can Imagine!
Life size deer mounts, shoulder mounts, pedestal mounts, wall mounts, skull mounts, virtually any way a deer can be mounted.

Delivering high quality deer taxidermy mounts that will look great for many years to come.

Home, Office or Corporate Lobby, we have the mount for you!

Whitetail Mounts, Mule Deer Mounts or any other deer, a quality deer taxidermy mount is a work of art that you will be proud to display to friends and family!

Deer Taxidermy Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania Taxidermy Studio, Brown Bear Taxidermy Studio 289 Pleasant Valley Road-Pine Grove, Pa. 17963,Phone570-345-3030,Pennsylvania Taxidermist Studio,PA Taxidermist

Pennsylvania Taxidermy Studio

Taxidermy Care And Shipping

1 Year Or Less Average Turnaround - National Shipping
Professionally Trained, Licensed, Insured

10% Off Full Body Mounts! Call For Details

Warm Weather Alert! Even Close To 50 Degrees! Critical Info! Your Trophy Can/Will Spoil In Just Hours! Especially Bears! Don't Lose Your Trophy Of A Lifetime! Get Your Animal To Your Butcher Or Us In 24 Hrs Or Less!  More Info.

Hunting with a guide or outfitter in the U.S., Canada, or abroad? Have your once in a lifetime trophy shipped directly to our taxidermy studio. You will be glad you did!


So what makes our Taxidermy so special? One Word,,, Quality!

Quality you will be proud to display for years to come. An enduring and eye catching display for your home or office that you can be proud of for a lifetime. Planning on hunting Canada or other areas? Have your trophy shipped directly to us by your outfitter, you will be glad you did!


Elk Taxidermy Mounts, Elk Taxidermist In Pennsylvania, Bugling Elk Mount,Pedestal Elk Mount,Elk Wall Mount,Elk Mounts, Elk Mounts For Low Ceilings,Best Elk Mounts,Elk Antler Mounts,Elk Pedestal Mount Ideas,Cool Elk Mount Ideas,Life Like Elk Mounts,Best Elk Mounts,Elk Mounts Near Me In Pennsylvania

Elk Taxidermy - Elk Pedestal Mounts - Elk Bugling Mounts

We can forever freeze in time that moment when that trophy bull bugled and came into range.

You have a once in a lifetime trophy Elk! Congratulations!
Now are you going to make the mistake of a lifetime?

Don't trust your Trophy Elk taxidermy mount to just any taxidermist just because they may be a few bucks cheaper, the guide, a friend, brother etc. "will give you a deal", or "a buddy recommended a guy".

Quality Mounts For Your Once In A Lifetime Hunt!

Sheep Taxidermy Mount, Dall Sheep Taxidermy Mounts, Sheep Taxidermy Mounts Pennsylvania,Stone Sheep Mounts,Sheep Taxidermy Studio Pennsylvania,Pennsylvania Taxidermist,Sheep Taxidermy Dall Sheep Taxidermist,Big Horn Sheep Taxidermy Mount,Stone Sheep Taxidermy Shoulder Mount,Sheep Taxidermy,Sheep Taxidermy Full Body Mount,Sheep Taxidermy PedestalMount

Sheep Taxidermy Mounts

Stone Sheep, Dall Sheep, Desert Rams & All Sub-Species

Life Size Sheep Mounts, Pedestal Sheep Mounts, Shoulder Sheep Mounts, Custom Sheep Mounts, Custom Habitats

Sheep hunting is one the biggest challenges in all of hunting. Just drawing a tag is often a once in a lifetime shot.

Planning on hunting Alaska, Canada or other areas? Have your trophy shipped directly to us by your outfitter, you will be glad you did!

Choose Brown Bear Taxidermy And Bring Back The Thrill Of The Hunt!

Trusted For Decades By Our Many Repeat Customer's!

Moose Taxidermy Mounts Pennsylvania, Moose Taxidermy Studio Pennsylvania,Pennsylvania Taxidermist,Moose Taxidermist,Moose Shoulder Mount,Moose Pedestal Mount  

Moose Taxidermy Mounts

Shiras Moose Mounts, Alaskan Moose Mounts & All Moose Sub-Species 

After all you put into your moose hunt, you want to be sure your trophy moose is going to be done right and look as good as it did the day it was first mounted.

Choose Brown Bear Taxidermy And Bring Back The Thrill Of The Hunt!

African Taxidermy Mounts, African Taxidermist In Pennsylvania, African Mounts, Cape Buffalo Mount PA.,  Kudu Mount, Wildebeest Mounts, Blesbok Mount, Gemsbok Pedestal Mount

African Taxidermy Mounts

Greater Kudu Mounts - Blesbok Mounts - Gemsbok Mounts - Wildebeest Mounts Vervet Monkey Mounts

Africa is on every hunters dream hunt list, but very few hunter's done list. The land, the country, they say you will never forget her. Quality African Taxidermy Mounts do just that, taking you back in your mind and dreams to what is often your once in a lifetime adventure on this magical continent.

Brown Bear Taxidermy has extensive training in African taxidermy mounts, the kind of experience you can trust with your once in a lifetime African trophies.

Predator Taxidermy Mounts, Bobcat Taxidermy Mounts, Mountain Lion Cougar Taxidermy Mounts, Lynx Taxidermy Mounts, Fox Taxidermy Mounts, Wolf Taxidermy Mounts, Coyote Taxidermy Mounts, Predator Mounts, Predator Taxidermist In Pennsylvania, Predator Taxidermy, Pennsylvania Taxidermy, Mountain Lion Cougar Taxidermy Mounts

Predator Taxidermy Mounts

Fox Taxidermy Mounts

Wolf Mounts

Lynx Taxidermy Mounts

Bobcat Mounts

Coyote Taxidermy

We are fully trained in all of the latest predator taxidermy techniques and our results speak for themselves. 

If you want that trophy of a lifetime to look like the moment you harvested it and stay that way for years to come, go with a true quality oriented Pennsylvania taxidermist.

Antelope Mounts, Antelope Taxidermy Mount Pennsylvania, Pronghorn Antelope Taxidermy Studio Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Taxidermist, Antelope Taxidermist, Antelope Shoulder Mount, Antelope Pedestal Mount

Antelope Taxidermy Mounts - Pronghorn Mounts

Antelope Shoulder Mounts, Wall Mounts, Pedestal Mounts, Antelope Pronghorn Taxidermy Mount Ideas

Brown Bear Taxidermy creates some of the finest life- like antelope taxidermy mounts found anywhere. 

Antelope mounts with a 1 year or less turn around time.

Customer satisfaction rate second to none. 

Antelope Taxidermy Mounts  - Professionally and expertly trained by some of the top names in the industry in Antelope taxidermy.

Caribou Mounts,Caribou Taxidermy Pennsylvania,Caribou Taxidermy Studio Pennsylvania,Pennsylvania Taxidermist,Caribou Taxidermist,Caribou Shoulder Mount,Caribou Pedestal Mount

Caribou Taxidermy Mounts - Caribou Taxidermy Mount Ideas

Brown Bear Taxidermy creates some of the finest life like caribou taxidermy mounts in the world. 

Caribou Taxidermy with a 1 year or less turn around time.

We maintain a 100% customer satisfaction rate. 

Antelope and Caribou Taxidermists - Professionally and expertly trained, fully licensed, insured.

Buffalo Bison Taxidermy Mounts - Buffalo Bison Taxidermy Mount Ideas - Brown Bear Taxidermy Studio Pine Grove PA

Buffalo Bison Taxidermy Mounts - Buffalo Bison Taxidermy Mount Ideas

Brown Bear Taxidermy creates some of the finest life like Buffalo Bison taxidermy mounts in the world. 

Buffalo Bison Taxidermy with a 1 year or less turn around time.

We maintain a 100% customer satisfaction rate. 

Buffalo Bison Taxidermists - Professionally and expertly trained, fully licensed and insured.

Fish Taxidermy, Fish Mounts, Fish Taxidermy Mounts Pennsylvania, Trout Mounts, Rainbow Trout Mounts, Palomino Trout Mounts, Trophy Fish Mounts, Steelhead Mounts, Salmon Taxidermy Mounts, Smallmouth Bass Mounts, Largemouth Bass Mounts, Fish Taxidermist Pennsylvania, Fish Taxidermy Studio Pennsylvania, Fish Taxidermist, Fish Taxidermy, Salmon Taxidermy Mounts, Steelhead Taxidermy Mount

Fish Taxidermy - Fish Replica Mounts

Bass Taxidermy Mounts - Trout Taxidermy Mounts Salmon Steelhead Taxidermy Mounts - Walleye Mounts

Best Replica Fish Mounts, Coffee Table Fish Taxidermy Mounts, Custom Tabletop, Wall Mounts, Custom Habitats & Poses

The drag screams then you get a glimpse of him, your hands and knees shake, "Please Lord let me land him"!

You fished a lifetime to finally catch that once in a lifetime trophy fish! Now choose a fish taxidermist that will keep your trophy looking like the moment you netted it for a long time to come!

Turkey Taxidermy Mount Pictures, Full Body Turkey Mounts, Unique Turkey Mounts, Flying Turkey Mounts, Turkey Wall Mounts, Turkey Pedestal Mounts, Turkey Fan Mounts, Pennsylvania Turkey Taxidermy, Turkey Taxidermist Pennsylvania, Turkey Taxidermy, Turkey Taxidermist

Turkey Taxidermy Mounts

We can forever freeze in time that moment when that prize gobbler came into view and strutted into range. 

Choose a full strut mount, fan mount or other pose, either way, your quality turkey taxidermy mount will give you a sense of pride and bring back many great memories for years to come. 

Turkey Mounts really look great in the home, den or office. The quality is what makes the difference.

Turkey Pedestal Mounts - Turkey Strut Mounts - Gobbling Turkey Mounts - Custom Bases, Plaques, Custom Habitats

Bird Taxidermy ,Waterfowl Taxidermy, Duck Mounts, Upland Game Taxidermy, Duck Mounts, Waterfowl Mounts, Pheasant Mounts, Taxidermist PA., Wood Duck Taxidermy Mount, Grouse Taxidermy Mount, Pheasant Taxidermy Mount

Waterfowl & Upland Game Taxidermy
Duck Mounts - Pheasant Taxidermy - Wood Duck & Teal Taxidermy - Grouse Taxidermy Mounts  -
Ptarmigan Mounts

The first streaks of grey light, the whistle of wings, they commit to the decoy spread,,, Take Em'!

You swore you were ready for the flush but it still puts your heart in your throat when they explode from under your feet, and you wouldn't have it any other way!

We capture those magic moments in our taxidermy mounts.

Custom Taxidermy Mounts You Will Be Proud To Display In A Prominent Place In Home Or Office.

We are fully trained in all of the latest waterfowl and upland bird taxidermy techniques and our results speak for themselves.


Small Animal Mounts, Bobcat Mounts, Beaver Mounts, Fox Mounts, Raccoon Mounts, Mink Mounts, Fisher Mounts, Small Animal Taxidermy, Small Animal Taxidermist, Small Animal Mount, Small Animal Mounts, Bobcat Mounts, Beaver Mounts, Fox Mounts, Raccoon Mounts, Mink Mounts, Fisher Mounts, Small Animal Taxidermy, Small Animal Taxidermist, Pennsylvania, Brown Bear Taxidermy Studio Taxidermy Mount, Small Animal Mounts

Small Animal Taxidermy

Beaver Mounts

Raccoon Mounts

Fisher Mounts

Mink Mounts

Alligator Mounts

Snake Mounts

Raccoon taxidermy mounts in any pose with custom habitats.

Beaver mounts, beaver mounted in life like poses, chewing wood, faux water and even real natural trees used in our custom mounts.

Although usually listed in our predator taxidermy we also have several images of bobcat mounts and fox taxidermy mounts as well.


Alligator Mounts, Alligator Taxidermy, Gator Taxidermy, Reptile Taxidermy, Alligator Floor Mounts, Alligator Mounts For Sale, Florida Alligator Taxidermy Mounts, Restaurant Decorations

Alligator Taxidermy Mounts

Reptile Mounts

Snake Mounts

Alligator trophies are each treated unique to capture the look of being alive.

Alligator Mounts, Alligator Taxidermy, Gator Taxidermy, Reptile Taxidermy, Alligator Floor Mounts, Alligator Mounts For Sale, Florida Alligator Taxidermy Mounts, Restaurant Decorations


Brown Bear Taxidermy Studio
289 Pleasant Valley Road (Rte 443)
Pine Grove, Pa. 17963
*Please Call First

Map To Brown Bear Taxidermy Studio

Closer than you think!
Just minutes off Route 81 & 78 in Pine Grove, PA.

  • 25 Minutes From Cabela's Hamburg, PA Near Routes 78 & 81

  • From New Jersey 2 1/2 hours, Out Route 78

  • From Harrisburg: 45 minutes

  • From Allentown: 1 hour

  • From Philadelphia: 2 hours

  • From Wilkes Barre: 1 1/2 hours

  • From NYC. 3 hours

Too far to drive to us? We Ship All Over The Country! 
Many customers work with us by phone, send pictures, etc.  

Look For Our Sign On Route 443 (Pleasant Valley Rd) Pine Grove, PA. - 25 Minutes From Cabela's Hamburg, PA.
Brown Bear Taxidermy Studio 289 Pleasant Valley Rd. (Route 443) Pine Grove Pennsylvania 17963
What Exactly Is Taxidermy? 
Taxidermy is actually the preservation of an animal's body by mounting for reasons of display or to use in studying. Taxidermy mounted animals are usually, but not at all times, made to look they were actually alive, such as in a custom habitat.. Taxidermy, the word itself means the preserving of an animal. However, taxidermy as a word in and of itself is often substituted for or the end product if you will is often called a "mount". From ancient Greek it actually means to "arrange skin" as odd as that may sound.

Typically mammals, birds, fish, even reptiles sometimes even other variations are made. Ever hear of a jackalope? No? Because there really is no such thing. The taxidermist can take liberty or creative license if you will, with a mount. If you can imagine it, people have probably tried creating such a custom mount, crossing various animals, or posing them in a human type pose with hats or clothes. Really it is up to ones imagination really.

Taxidermy mounts of larger animals such as bear taxidermy, deer taxidermy or other mammals is usually the most prevalent form of taxidermist mounts. These are usually used as a reminder of more than just the taking of an animals life. One would have to understand it is to even actually honour the animal in the eyes of hunter or fisherman. More of paying homage or a tribute but also to capture the moment, the entire trip, often generating stories that are cherished and passed down from generation to generation.

Taxidermy can take more than just a trophy form. Taxidermy mounts are often used in museums such as natural history museums. Often this is the only way a person may see what an animal from another part of the world looks like in person, outside of a zoo of coarse.

A professionally trained and licensed practice of taxidermy is called a taxidermist. Typically a taxidermist builds his business over a long period of time as he/she perfect the craft, they gain more and more recognition on the field and build returning customers. Hence quality is of utmost importance. 

Brown Bear Taxidermy has been mounting for many decades. The owner, Mike Brown, continues to train on a constant basis as new methods, forms, materials, and of coarse as his skills continue to become even greater. Brown Bear Taxidermy Studio in Pine Grove, PA has a beautiful taxidermy studio with many mounts on display.

Contact us with what you have in mind.

Thank You


Brown Bear Taxidermy Studio
289 Pleasant Valley Road
Pine Grove, Pa. 17963
Always Call First To Be Sure We Will Be In.

Hours: Mon thru Friday 9am - 5pm
Sat - Appointment Only         Sun - Closed
Other Hours By Appointment Only - Call

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 Brown Bear Taxidermy Studio


Best Taxidermist Pennsylvania, PA Taxidermy Shop, Bear Mounts, Black Bear Mounts, Life Size Bear Mounts, Life Size Brown Grizzly Bear Mounts, Life Size Standing Brown Grizzly Bear Mounts, Deer Shoulder Wall Mounts Pennsylvania, Deer Pedestal Mounts Pennsylvania, Elk Mounts Pennsylvania, African Mounts, Predator Mounts, Fish Mounts, Moose Mounts, Sheep Mounts, Caribou Mounts, Pronghorn Antelope Mounts, Turkey Mounts, Waterfowl Mounts, Duck Mounts, Wolf Mounts, Mountain Lion Mounts, Coyote Mounts, Grouse Mounts, Pheasant Mounts, Fox Mounts, Lynx Mounts, Bobcat Mounts, Taxidermist in PA, Taxidermy, Taxidermist, Fish Taxidermy, Bear Taxidermy, Taxidermy For Sale, Taxidermy Mount, Deer Taxidermy, Form Taxidermy, Quality Taxidermy, Advanced Taxidermy, Custom Taxidermy, Black Bear Mount, Elk Taxidermy, Turkey Taxidermy, Fish Taxidermist, Licensed Taxidermist